Lee Hyo Ri

: May 10, 1979

Sign: Taurus

Position in Group: vocal, leader

Weight: 49 kg

Height: 167 cm

Shoe Size: 245 mm

Eyesight: Left 0.9, Right 0.9

Dream Your Mom had When Pregnant with You: A  peacock was flying around

Nickname: Chori

Blood Type: Type A

Dream Guy: A guy that loves only me, someone who is as comfortable as a friend when I am with him

Religion: Christian

Hobby: watching movies, acting

Talent: drawing pictures

Personality: Normally, I am very optimistic, but when I get  mad, I am very scary

Family: Parents, older brother, older sister, Hyo Ri

Schooling: Dong Jak Elementary School- Suh Moon Middle School for Girls- Suh Moon High School for Girls- Second year in Gook Min University, Theater/Movie major

Your Good Point: affirmative way of thinking

Your Bad Point: My restlessness

Song You Love to Sing: <Mid Eum (Trust)> by Lee So Ra

Your Most Valued Possession: Letters I received from my friends

Your Favorite Motto: Let’s try our best in everything we do

Your Goal: to perfectly live out my life as a singer and as a student

Most Attractive Point: Long, unchanged hair (NOTE: unchanged as in not dying it or doing anything to it)

Complex: My eyes that disappear when I smile

Stress Reliever: sleep

Jinx: If my fingernails are long, I can’t do what I need to do well

Your View/Outlook on Music: Let’s make music that people can sympathize with and is can be listened to easily and comfortably

Your Favorite Color: white

Your Favorite Food: I don’t limit myself from eating things, I especially like things with chocolate on it

Your Favorite Musician: Mariah Carey

Your Favorite Style of Music: hip hop, ballads, R&B

Your Favorite Word(s): baby, rain, love