Ok Joo Hyun

: March 20, 1980

Sign: Pisces

Position in Group: Lead vocal

Height: 173 cm

Shoe Size: 230 mm

Eyesight: Left 0.2, Right 0.2

Dream your mom had when she was pregnant with you: My mom was holding a marble that was giving out a very strong ray of light

Nickname: Ok Coordi (“coordi” is the nickname for “coordinator”)

Blood Type: Type O

Dream Guy: A tall and sentimental guy, a guy that makes me want to lean on him because he is big

Religion: Buddhist

Hobby: Listening to music

Personality: Tough and sentimental

Family: Parents, an older brother, and a younger brother

Schooling: Sam Leung Elementary School-Uhn Joo Middle School- Gwang Nam High School-Gyung Hee University (Theater/Movie major), waiting to be accepted

Your Good Point: I have no end (?)

Your Bad Point: When I am mad, I can’t cope with the situation that I am in

A Song you Love to Sing: All of Fin.K.L’s songs

Your Most Valued Possession: All of the people who I love

Your Favorite Motto: Let’s be a person that is not ashamed of oneself

Your Goal: To receive love and reach the top

Your Attractive Point: my fresh and glowing personality

Complex: The amount of hair I have is too small

Stress Reliever: Sing loudly, meet with your good friends to have some high spirited fun by eating good food and telling funny stories

Jinx: I sing better after going to a sauna

Your View/Outlook in Music: Let’s make music that has a good message

Your Favorite Color: Black

Your Favorite Food: All fruits

Your Favorite Musician(s): Mariah Carey, Seotaiji and Boys

Your Favorite Type of Music: R&B, classical

Your Favorite Word: friendship