X-Interview with Shinhwa


! Interview One !

Title: We'll solve all your problems!

*(Eric) What's my special talents???

When I'm alone, I like making rap lyrics. For those who are wondering
how well I can do a beatbox, wait a lil bit. I'll be sure to show you.


*(Eric) What do you want to do rite now???

Of course I want to sleep. Because of our schedule, while we're moving
around place to place, we're busy sleeping in the car.


*(DongWan) Am I good at acting??

Once, it was my dream to be an actor. I acted in all sorts of dramas,
but you don't remember?? I've been in KBS's "Nae an ae chun sah", SBS's
"Jung sang neu ggim 18 sae". . ., these days I'm on KBS's "Sae ba goo
nee ae heng bohk", you've seen me, rite???


*(DongWan) How is our album??

Our album has 10 songs, and in one word, it's "cap"!! Even if you listen
to our title song "Hae gyul sah" once, it comes into your ears. "Chun il
yoo hon", where Eric's, JunJin's, and Andy's bass rap comes out, is a
genre called new zeal swing. "Eusha eusha", which is a remake of an
American song, is intended to make this summer lively.


*(MinWoo) What's my best feature??

No matter how much I look in the mirror, I dunno what my best feature
is. People say the cold look in my eyes is the most "muh shi suh", but
what does everyone else think???


*(MinWoo) If I have time rite now??

I want to go see my parents. I'm the youngest and my parents, who love
me more than anyone else, I want to go run to them rite now. Oh~ I want
to see them very much.


*(Andy) If I'm born as a girl??

If I'm a girl, how would I look?? If I'm a girl, I want to wear a pretty
skirt and grow my hair long. Even thought it would be annoying with guys
following me around. (^_^)


*(Andy) When is my happiest time??

Sleeping time and eating time. I don't know why, but I'm happiest when
I'm asleep after our schedule is over. And I can't leave out happiness
when I'm eating.


*(HaeSung) I look like a girl??

Because I look weak. . . .but I'm a 3rd degree black belt. Taekwondo
isn't an art, it's a sport, you know. Everyone should learn taekwondo.


*(JunJin) You're wondering what my real name is??

I don't know if I should tell, but my real name is Park ChoongJae. The
name 'JunJin' is well matched with the group name 'ShinHwa'.


*(JunJin) There is a gospel song on our album too.

We put in a gospel song, "Gam sah", to show thanx for our fans's love.
"Nu ae", which DongWan hyung named, has a message to break free of the
mold society has made. There is also another song, "Bi sang goo", which
has a message to break the mold one has made. Please listen to it and rate
it. We won't disappoint you!
Translated by: AznGrl20



! Interview Two !

Group Article 1: Shin HyeSung (Steve), Eric, and Andy

~*From elementary school to before entering high school what kind of boy were you?*~

Eric: ChunJae!!(Prodigy) (in elementary school my friend did a
confusing(?) thing and hit me from the rear to the brain and it seems
like an abnormal perfection was created.)

Steve: Only when i was in kindergarten I made the little girls' minds flutter, I was a young prince(?) whack~then as time went by....

Andy: One word: GaeGooJangee!(troublemaker/joker)


~*In your childhood days what did you do?*~

Eric: Flower arrangement, knitting, chinese jumprope, saesaesae(handgames)...bbae go dah

Steve: The neighborhood below BukHanSan(SohYuRi) in their children's nursery I was sent. Above our house was a mountain, below it a brook. In the summer with my friends, we'd go to the brook and catch crawfish. In the fall we'd gather chestnuts (bahms), in the winterwe'd go sledding and have snowball fights.

Andy: chinese jumprope, The rose of Sharon (MuGungHwa) blossomed, and so on.


~*Elem. School~Middle School~High School...how were your grades?*~

Eric: In elem. school a heavy responsibility, middle school: average, high school: at least worth a high prize.

Steve: as much as I say that i studied you won't believe me. In m.s i
received a top grade award (woodeung sang) In h.s. I went to school in america and at first it was hard because of English, then i got stable and won a high prize (please believe me!!)

Andy: in e.s: A's, B's, In middle school: a's, b's and c's. In high
school: a's, b's, c's, and d's.


~*When you were little what did you want to be?*~

Eric: A soldier, a dad

Steve: The president

Andy: Singer, actor, comedian


~*Have you ever gotten into lots of trouble by a teacher?*~

Eric: In Elem. School, I hit my friend and he got ssang kopi (nosebleed
in both sides) i too then got hit by the teacher and it seemed as if I
would get ssang kopi too.

Steve: In elem. School, 3rd grade, at lunch time I didn't know we couldn't leave school and I left. The teacher found out and I got in BIG trouble in the gym in front of the student teacher.

Andy: In Elem. School I did my homework wrong and I got scolded.


~*From all the school award you've received, what is the biggest?*~

Eric: Top grades (woo deungsang). In america in Middle School (8th
grade) I got all A's and received HONOR SOCIETY AWARD.

Steve: Food Award(?BaB SaNG) It was a joke....Elem. School I got top
grades award.

Andy: I got so much I can't remember.


~*Were You a Good Vacation HomeWork Model?*~

Eric: Vacation Homework copying Eric!!

Steve: I was the 3 days before the end of vacation all-nighter have to
finish style.

Andy: My mom helped a lot with my homework so I did a majority of it.
Translated by: sooeun (chris)


! Interview Three !

~*~ if the group went out on a meeting, which member would be the most
popular?? ~*~

andy: i think eric hyung. cuz he's the leader. . . . (then eric says
"andy yah!! juss cuz i'm shinhwa's leader doesn't mean i'd be popular on
a meeting.")

dongwan: minwoo. minwoo's bright laugh would get him all the popularity.

shinhwa: jin. b/c he's good looking.

minwoo: dongwan. he'd tell funy stories and make everyone laugh.

dongwan: andy. girls these days like guys that are cute.


~*~ which member is the most afraid of ghosts??? ~*~

shinhwa: hyesung. we can't choose anyone else. when he watches scary
shows like "to yo mystery" he runs away, and when we start telling scary stories, he covers his ears w/ his hands and says "stop it!!".


~*~ which member is the least sophisticated?? and why?? ~*~

dongwan and hyesung: hmmm, we can't say. . . . .eric. he's not like this
everyday, but once, when we were practicing, he pulled his belt up to
his chest and messed up his hair, and seeing him dancing like that was
really funny.


~*~ which member seems like a playboy, and why?? ~*~

minwoo: jin. he's good looking.

dongwan: he has a "muht jin" look in his eyes so a lot of girls would
probably follow him around. i heard a lot of girls at school are standing in line. . .

(junjin is waving his hands and denying what they have said. "no, not at all. i don't think i seem like a playboy at all. why is everyone being
like this??")


~*~ which member seems like they catch bugs the best and why?? ~*~

shinhwa: eric. eric probly hates mosquitos the most. when he sleeps, if there's even one mosquito in the room, he won't sleep. not until he
kills the mosquito.

andy: eric hyung really hates bugs, but he's fascinated by them. i've
seen him say "wow, how can they look like this??", and put the bug on a sheet of paper and burn it. hyung!! u'r scarie~!


~*~ who has the worst sleeping habits?? ~*~

minwoo: eric. he has sleeping habits that a person can't have. if you
talk to him, he'll answer you, if you sing, he'll rap for you. once i did a beatbox, and he did one too. and sometimes eric sleeps w/ his eyes


~*~ who was probably a nal la ri?? ~*~

shinhwa: u were probly a nal la ri, huh, noona?? (everyone is avoiding
the question)

dongwan: ask our lawyer.


~*~ who would probly be the best w/ kids?? ~*~

junjin: minwoo hyung. if u see him w/ his dog "jjang", u'll know.

minwoo: jin. once my niece came over, and she said "junjin oppa took
care of me". she said he held her and talked to her.


~*~ who trusts others too much?? ~*~

hyesung: jin. once we hid jin's sunglasses and watched for his reaction. jinee was searching around the house, but he didn't seem to suspect any of the members. so i told him, "we hid it, so you have an hour to find it. if you don't find it in an hour, we can't give it back to you."
anyone else would have been like "give it back now," and would have
gotten mad. . . . but jinee searched for an hour. and after an hour, he
gave up and was sitting down, looking depressed. we saw that and we had to give him back his sunglasses and tell him that we were sorree.


~*~ which member can laugh and forget about anything, no matter what and be carefree?? ~*~

dongwan: i can never be carefree. juss my laugh is carefree. puhahaha!!!

eric: minwoo has a carefree personality. he laughs a lot too. even when he gets mad, he lets it go quickly and makes everyone else comfortable.


~*~ which member, when they get mad, is so scarie that nobody else can go near him?? ~*~

eric: andy. not enuf so that nobody can go near him, but when he gets
mad, he's scarie enuf that he can't control his strength. he turns the
house upside down. when he's mad, he's as strong as heracles. even if he
juss hits the person next to him, it hurts enuf so that you think u'r
gonna go flying. but once he calms down, andy says in a cute voice, "hyu uh ung, i'm sorree~, heh~, heh~,"

(andy says, "i don't get mad unless they don't give me food, when i
havta eat ramen.")


~*~ who seems like they'd be a family man?? ~*~

eric and minwoo: dongwani. he's good at washing dishes.

eric: hyesungi. he's good at taking care of others. and he's good at
arranging his things.

dongwan: minwoo. he's good at taking care of his friends. he's busy, so
that wouldn't be easy. but when you see him calling up his friends in
jun joo (a city) frequently, then you think that later on, he'll have a
nice family.


~*~ which member would look the best w/ a shaved head?? ~*~

shinhwa: eric. the shape of his head is nice. and he looks like a primitive person. heehee. j/k. we've seen an old picture of him when he had a shaved head, and it looked good on him.


~*~ which member uses money the least?? (a scrooge)~*~

minwoo: jin. will a day come when jinee uses money! or is he someone
that doesn't know he has to use money?? when we go to the supermarket to buy things, he says he left his wallet at home. jinee yah, i'm sorree. i'm not saying u'r a scrooge or anything~.

hyesung: it's true that jinee doesn't spend money, but that's cuz he
doesn't carry around his wallet.


~*~ which member looks good in the clothes they wear?? ~*~

minwoo: eric. he looks good in anything he wears. i guess it's cuz his shoulders are wide and his legs are long.

eric: andy. once, on a show, we wore white suits, and andy, he looked
good in them.


~*~ who would go well w/ older people?? ~*~

shinhwa: andy!! he's the youngest, so he'd get a lot of luv from older


~*~ who is most like 'hyungum' from the cartoon "unplugged boy"?? ~*~

dongwani, minwoo, hyesungi, andy, eric, jinee. . . (everyone is choosing
themselves) hyungum is silly, but he's nice and pure. he has style and
has a lot of clothes.


~*~ which member would look the best as a girl?? ~*~

dongwan: jinee. he looks pretty.

hyesung: we went to kang won do for an ENG shoot and we went to my
uncle's house. when my aunt saw junjin, she asked, "is that a girl
member??". she said jinee looked soft, like a girl.


~*~ which member is cuter than they look?? ~*~

eric: minwoo. most fans kno him as "tough guy lee minwoo". outside,
minwoo seems tough. but when he get home, he acts cute.

andy: eric hyung. when you see eric talking w/ his mom, who lives in the
US, and see him being cute and talking in a high voice, you'd laugh so hard you'd collapse. you should hear him say "hiee mommy!" in a high voice sometime.


~*~ who is the most stubborn?? ~*~

eric: dongwani. once he starts getting stubborn, nobody can do anything about it. if he thinks he's right, he won't give up. but after he
realizes he's wrong, he stops being stubborn and says he's sorree.


~*~ who is the mama's boy?? ~*~

shinhwa: of course andy.


~*~ who has the worst wang ja byung??

shinhwa: hmm, well, you'd havta see us out on the streets, so we can't
know for sure.


~*~ who has trouble riding scary rides?? ~*~

shinhwa: manager hyung. when we went to an amusement park, we were
riding roller coasters, but he was riding a sing-sing car


~*~ who would be the best fighter?? ~*~

hyesung: andy. he's strong. i've never seen him fighting w/ anyone
before, but when he gets mad, he becomes as strong as heracles, so andy would be a good fighter too.

eric: jinee. he looks mild (soon hae), but his hands are big, so if he
lets his fist fly~! »1/2 !!! our height is similar, but his hands are
bigger. you should compare our hands sometime.


~*~ who probly doesn't wash much?? ~*~

why do the heavens give shinhwa this test. . . (is hyesungi's face
turning red???)

("but i wash my face!!" *hyesung* well, if he hadn't said that, we
could've juss forgotten it. . . .)


~*~ if shinhwa were to be #1, who would cry the most?? ~*~

hyesung: i think we would all cry

eric: i don't think we'd cry, we'd be so moved, we wouldn't be able to
say anything.


~*~ who would be the leading part for "chun il yoo hon"??? ~*~

minwoo: hyesungi. hyesungi crying a thousand tears. i think he'd be a
good main character for a sad luv story.

andy: eric hyung! i think hyung would know the sadness of crying a
thousand tears out of his nose(koh mool).

(NG! andy's sullung joke)


! Interview Four !

~*~you're at lotte world, and there's a lot of pple. a lil girl, 2, 3
years old, starts following you around saying "daddy!!"! the pple around you are staring, thinking this is interesting. what would you do??~*~

eric: he'd buy her ice cream and quietly admonish her, and then send her off. but if she keeps doing it, then he'd get mad.

dongwan: he'd call out "mom!!" and follow her around. (touch touch 002)

hyesung: he'd say "she says i'm her dad!!" and brag to the other people

minwoo: he'd say "aigo~ my daughter!!" and hug her.

junjin: he'd say "wut's wrong?? there's u'r dad, rite there!!" and let
someone else deal w/ her.

andy: he'd say "yah!! i'm not u'r dad!!"


~*~ what would you do when u'r watching TV w/ u'r parents, and a really heavy, something u juss can't watch, kiss scene comes on?? ~*~

eric: he'd start doing something else.

dongwan: he'd say "news!!" and change the channel, or start talking to his mom about his day.

hyesung: he'd juss watch.

minwoo: he'd watch his parents closely and say "mom, you did this w/ dad too, huh??"

junjin: he'd turn the volume on louder and try to embarass his parents.

andy: he'd say "mom! what's that?? how do you do that??"


~*~ who probly got hit by girls and cried when they were little?? ~*~

eric: andy. he's the youngest!

dongwan: hyesung. he alwayz got hit by girls so he dreamed of being a
taekwon sonyun?

hyesung: junjin.

minwoo: junjin. "are you a guy?? a girl??" *pow!* he was probly so
pretty that he made girls jealous and got hit a lot.

junjin: andy. he's cute, so girls probly bugged him a lot.

andy: eric hyung. he's tough now, but when you see him when he was
little, he seems like he cried a lot. when you imagine what he must've
been like back then, you get the feeling that he was probly that kind of person.


~*~ who cries easily?? ~*~

eric: hyesung. he cries when he sees sad movies.

dongwan: junjin. he's the most sensitive.

hyesung: none. i've never seen any of them crying.

minwoo: hyesung. he cried when he read "ah buh ji"(father). when andy
asked "hyung! did the father die??", hyesungi ran away crying.

junjin: andy. i've never seen him crying, but he's sweet, so i think
he'd cry easily.

andy: hyesungi hyung. when he read "ah buh ji", he cried.