Kim Dong Wan

Full Name: Kim Dongwan

Birthday: November 21, 1979

Team Job: Vocal (Wit Guy)

 Name: Yun-ahn Kim

Nickname: Saoh-jungneem

Family: Parents and his 3 year old dog, Mellungee

Height/Weight: 175 cm-62 kg

Blood Type: RH+ O

Eyesight: Right: 2.0 / Left: 1.5

Religion: Christian (You know.. everyone in ShinHwa's Christian?! YaY!!~)

School: Taejon Shilub Junmoon University, television music major 1st year

Hobbies: Surfing the 'Net, composing songs (I can so relate!)

What he's good at: Piano, rollerblading

Complex: His cheeks look like they're sucking on pieces of candy.

What he is most thankful for: Parents

Personality: His friends say he's like a mulmandoo (water dumpling? Close 'nuff. ^_~). He has no idea why they call him that though.
His best feature: His walk. (and then he laughs..ook.)

How much sleep?: When he sleeps alot, 14 hours. When he sleeps a little, 4-5 hours.

His sleeping habits: He swallows while sleeping. (Best I can translate it. =p)

Jinx: The day before and the morning of any television appearance, he eats alot.

Dream for the Future: He wants to become a person that receives respect from anyone he meets.

The things he treasures: Shin Hwa members (aww~)

How he gets rid of stress: He walks around aimlessly.

Where he wants to visit: France

What he wants to receive from fans: He wants fans interest, but if he had to name something, a MD Player.

Favourite type of Music: Slasher metal, hard core
Favourite Singers: Nirvana, Yoo Young Jin
Instruments he enjoys playing: Guitar, Piano, and Drums.
Book he read in depth: Julmeun Nal-ae Gonui
Movie he's seen in depth: Before Sunrise
Favourite Food: Fish Hwae, Cho-baab
A Great Man: Anderson
Favourite Season: Autumn
Favourite Colours: Dark green, blue
Favourite Sports: He has no favourite sports, but when he gets together with his friends and plays, he enjoys anything.
Favourite Athletes: There's no one in particular he likes.
Favourite Actor: Choi Jongwon
Favourite TV Shows: Khikeutshi Algoshipda (I Want to Know That), PD Soochup
Favourite Song to Listen to: Club R&B Tape
Song He Loves to Sing: Kim Jung Min's 'Majhimak Yaksok'
Favourite Clothes Style: Natural style (??) Favourite Cologne: He doesn't use any at this time.

Girl type: A girl who has alot of common sense.
The Talent that matches his girl type best: Yoon Jung
First love: His grade school teacher was his first love. Of course it was one-sided. Unlike his other classes where he would be asleep, he kept his eyes open and listening the whole time in her class.

About Shin Hwa
Shin Hwa: He was the fifth member picked for Shin Hwa.
How he felt on Shin Hwa's first TV performance: He felt happy and very thankful. He was also a little bit nervous.
Album Incident: The whole time while making the album was hard because so much had to be done. The funniest incident while makin the album was when Shin Hwa went to watch 'Titanic' together.
What's different about Shin Hwa from other singers: Good teamwork (again).
Other: He was a television actor before he was a member of Shin Hwa. What decided him to become a member of Shin Hwa was after he saw a recording of Shin Hwa's practicing (then there was only Hye Sung, Eric, Andy, and Lee Minwoo.
Last words: This moment, he'll do his best to live hard. He also wants to live always thankful for what he has

Personal Notes: He used to do vocals in a band, just as he's doing in
ShinHwa. He also has experience as a talent! He was in the drama "san"
(mountain). He made the audition in Korea.