Real Name: Moon Hee Jun

Nick Names: Gizmo (made by tony and Wit Guy

Position in H.O.T: Leader, Vocal, and Rapper

Birthdate: March 14, 1978

Birth Place: Seoul, Korea

Height: 173cm (around 5'8)

Weight: 58kg (around 128lbs)

Blood Type: B

Number in Candy: 23

Religion: Buddhist

Family members: Parents, one younger sister (Call Hae Ree)

Goal: to be Korea's best singer and producer

He is closest to: Tony & Kang Ta

IQ: 148

First CD bought: Lee Sun Hee

Fav. color: Purple

Fav. cologne: Solo

Fav. flower: Nahn (An oriental orchid)

Fav. season: Winter

Fav. subject: Science & Math

Fav. sport: Baseball

Fav. comic book: "Jjang goo myun mohk mal ryuh"

Fav. music: Hip Hop, R&B and Heavy Metal

Fav. song: "guh dae eh hyang gi" & "ul rung do twist"

Fav. singers: Seotaiji, Lee Hyun Do, Metallica & Michael Jackson

Fav. type of movie: Action movie

Fav. food: Pizza

Fav. fruit: Melon

Fav. hairstyle: "Wolf and sheep" & "Line Up!"

Least fav. subject: Geography & World History

He hates when people tell him to eat with his right hand even though he is a left hander

Quality that he likes about himself: His eyes

Quality that he hates about himself: His height

Hobbies: Listen to music, singing, dancing & writing songs.

Habit: Shaking his legs and grabbing the arm of the person next to him.

Talent: He is funny and makes other laugh, good at immitation and can be a beatbox (making beat sounds by using his mouth)

Childhood dream: To become a singer

If he didn't become a singer: He wouldn't know what he would do... He'd be lost!!

How he relives stress: Dances til he drops!!!!!

Saddest memory: When he was little he was poor and he wondered how he can ever be a singer if he didn't have money.

First thing he does in the morning: Read his fan letters

Last thing he does before he goes to sleep: He does a memo on what he did in the day

He shaves: 3 times a week

What he does when he's tired: He drinks Orange Juice

Values: Family, H.O.T members, fans and gift from fans

People who give him strength: His family and the H.O.T members

Fav. fan letter: A letter with smile faces on it

Funniest present from his fans: He has a lot of dolls, he got a lot of CDs and he also receives a lot of comic books

Least fav. fan letter: One girl who wrote to on her underwear

What he does with his fan letters: Puts them in his disney box

If he has a daughter that kept crying because she was ugly, what would he do? I don't think anyone can be ugly...but even if she was who cares? In my eyes she will be beautiful.

What he thinks about Woo Hyuk: "He's an amazing friend... when I tell him something and he laughs..I feel really happy."

What he thinks about Tony: "He's cute and he's one of my best friends. He has a good mind"

What he thinks about Kang Ta: "He works very hard. He's kind too"

What he thinks about Jae Won: "A cute mahk neh (youngest) He's really tall and impressive"

First crush: When he was in grade 2

His ideal type of girls: Cute, has nice eyes, she doesn't have to be beautiful but has to be attractive in someway(her personality is more important than her looks), if she's a good dancer, then would be even better, she has to be shorter than him and likes Hip Hop

How he's propose to a girl: He'd get on his knees and sing her a song that he wrote.

How he's deal with a girl who likes him (If he doesn't likes her): He'll find the good points about her and try to like her too.

If he was a girl then what kind of man does he want? "A cute, sweet, big eyed guy...heehee..I'm playing...honestly...I don't know."

Something he wants to say to his family: "Thank you so much for understanding my busy schedule."

What his family says when he comes home: " Great job, my son"

His wish: He wants to be a girl for a day

Extra Info:

• He has a great sense of humor and loves to make people laugh


Info taken from: Kings of Teenagers: H.O.T Undefeatable